Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Last Man Out AND Not with a Bang...

Last Man Out

Where were they?

“G-Get out. I’ll call the police!”

“..olice... lice...” Shiny echoes mocked his squeaky bluster.

The top of the static escalator receded from his puffing ascent.

Behind him!

Scrabbling towards the exit.

 “Hey! Old man! Want a hand?”

In front!

A dripping limb was proffered.

Lights winked out.

He retched in the gloom.


55 words


This story was written for Lisa McCourt-Hollars' 55 Word Challenge


Not With A Bang...

He strolled away, resolved. The bag was placed. The timer set.

Mankind was a parasitic, toxic aberration. If enough of them could be contaminated, eliminated, the environment would reassert itself. Balance would return. Gaia would enfold us in her arms again. He recalled a childhood image – the last penguins - and wept for ravaged nature.

55 words


This story was also written for the same Lisa McCourt-Hollars' 55 Word Challenge

 but used all three photo prompts.

It received and Honourable Mention from judge Lisa!