Sunday, 7 October 2012

Thomas the Rhymer

Thomas the Rhymer

Looking back from the ridge at the inexplicably rusting, ruined remains of yesterday’s life, I think of her.
She had interrupted last evening’s chores; fey, flashing eyes, tantalising with fiery dares and forbidden promise.
 “Dance with me.” She whirled away; I chased her across fields by treacherous moonlight.
I caught her. She laughed as we fell together, a tumbling, breathless embrace.
“Stay with me. What’s one night from your whole life?” gripping my hand like a drowning sailor.
Gossamer images of her fly away, blown on the morning breeze.
I face the dusty road ahead and start walking.

100 Words

This was written for Angela Goff's Visual Dare 25 'Forgotten'


  1. AH. Wow. There's always a price to pay with those tricksy faeries, isn't there? A very steep price. Love the Rip Van Winkle tang to this one - great angle on the prompt! Well done!!

  2. Poetry, real poetry

  3. A sad tale, expertly woven in just 100 words.

    1. I felt a sense of desolation in the photo & it bled into the tale. Thanks.

  4. Great imagery twisting together full of tantalising mystery...

    1. That's the beauty and the challenge of flash - how much can be suggested and not stated.
