The Great Train Robbery; public domain screen shot from 1903 film.
The Big Score
“Hand me the bag!”
Hanging from the footplate I snatched, swinging the harsh hessian load into
the tender. It tumbled aboard, skittering gems cascading from it, sparkling seductively
amongst their dowdy younger cousin, coal.
Pete grabbed the handrail.
“Gimme your hand!”
I gave him my foot - stomping his fingers.
He crashed, tumbling, to the trackside.
The thundering locomotive outdistanced the remaining gang members.
“So long, Losers!”
I ducked, avoiding their churlish, steel jacketed replies.
Lighting a cheroot, I planned my opulent future.
Florida? No. Alligators.
Canada? Too cold.
German East Africa, Pete’s idea?
Tanzanite, here I come!
100 words
This story was written for Rebekah Postupak's 'Warmup Wednesday - 28' flash fiction challenge. As part of this challenge, writers were required to include their birthstone. As a December baby, mine is Tanzanite.
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