Saturday, 22 December 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For...


Be Careful What You Wish For...

“Hey Shirley!”
“The guy next to me; he just whispered something disgusting in my ear.”
“Well, Tracey you’ve got yourself to blame for that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“This is all your fault!”
“How’s that?”
“Celebrating your birthday yesterday, that weird guy in the harem pants offered us three wishes.”
“I’m kinda vague after the tequila slammers.”
“Well, you jumped right in and took them all.”
“What did I say?”
“You said ‘I want men falling all over me’.”
“Then ‘lets all get legless’.”
“And finally ‘I want to get ahead’ – nice going Tracey!.”

100 words

This story was written for Angela Goff's Visual Dare 'The Kiss'


  1. LOL!! Moral to the lesson....never make three wishes after tequila slammers! :) Great quirky cautionary tale - and all in dialogue, which is a challenge to pull off. Thanks for another fun Visual Dare entry!!

  2. Thanks Angela, for another great prompt!

  3. Fun and well done - odd and yet makes perfect sense! Glad you are joining in on these challenges, Nick :))

  4. Thanks Jo-Anne! Rather more prosaic than your beautiful, lyrical contribution to the challenge!

  5. A humorous cautionary tale.
    Well done.

  6. Thanks Jazz! A tough one for me this time :-)

  7. Ha ha, you got that just right, careful what you wish for when you've been drinking!
