Sunday, 16 December 2012

Sliding Doors

Robert Doisneau

Sliding Doors


The hand grasped the case, the door snapped shut.

Hyena faces, distorted by dirty glass, cackled as they tore at Grandfather’s defenceless cello, their fresh kill.

I started after the departing train.


Sprawling on the dirty platform, betrayed by a bargain basement heel, I lay there, cheap mascara dissolving into zebra face stripes.

Anonymous shoes swirled past me and swept on to their homes and offices, leaving me fumbling for a crumpled return ticket.


I rested for a happy moment. Today was the day! A philharmonic audition, an heirloom to play on; what could possibly go wrong?

100 Words


This story was written for Angela Goff’s Visual Dare- Timing


  1. Uuuggghhhh! So heartbreaking. Succinct, wonderful imagery, and a real punch. Well done, my friend.

    1. Thanks Angela. I found this prompt really difficult and almost passed on it, but persevered. In the end I was quite pleased with the result. Thanks, as ever, for Visual Dare! I have less time to write at present so really value the weekly challenges.

    2. I'm so glad you're still taking them!! This was actually an odd photo prompt for me; I usually prefer them to be more open-ended or abstract. Glad you're making time for the writing you love!!

  2. Really well done. Love the images. "..betrayed by a bargain basement heel" is perhaps one of the most perfect phrases I've ever read!

    1. Hi Jo-Anne. Thanks for visiting. I really value comments from other writers. I am pleased that the phrase struck a chord with you.
